If you haven’t yet read “The Next Human Die Off”, then consider yourself warned. This book will make you question how you look at humans and the ability of our planet to sustain us. Mr Chapman brings a historical perspective to evolutionary human die offs due to famines, disease, and natural disasters, and then adds current global events to that perspective. The result is a convincing argument that the next human die off is coming, and that climate change may provide the tipping point. With this new book, Mr Chapman joins the ranks of climate change activists such as Greta Thunberg, David Wallace-Wells, and Elizabeth Kolbert.

Be prepared before you read this book. There are times in “The Next Human Die Off” where the ideas and suggestions that Mr Chapman advances will make you angry. There are other sections of this book that will make you angry at the people who have brought this coming calamity upon us. However, make no mistake – the facts are real. His conclusions, while divisive, will open a discussion that may prepare you and your family for the next human die off.


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